Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our baby is an EGG!

I don't mind saying it, my husband and I are "those" parents.  As we were brainstorming baby names we made sure to look at initials.  We both were amused with ECG and EGG and settled on EGG (I kept my last name because I wasn't ready to change it when I got married, and my loving husband was and still is okay with this decision).  Egg is a fun nickname for the baby.  Do you know the names?  Everett Grayson for a boy.  We got that one easy.  We later found out we needed a girl's name.  Well damn.  Matt searched high and low for names fitting both genders.  I was and am still fond of Emma, but Emma was number 5 on the list of most popular girls names for 2013.  "Do you want our baby to be one of five in a class?"  Of course not.  Eleanor Grace was discovered upon helping a lady with a print job at the library.  She told me her name and I said, "Eleanor.  That's a nice name.  You don't hear that anymore."  I went home and told my husband and we easily settled on Grace.  Grace may become more popular with an upcoming movie being released where one of the protagonists insists on calling the other by her first and middle names, Hazel Grace.  So there is the story of how our Egg got her name.

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