Sunday, July 27, 2014

Oh, Baby! (Part 2)

Thank you all for your patience. I cannot believe that part of my priority list the day after having a baby was to update my blog. I wanted to be able to share my story with all of the many, many wonderful people in my life.

1:15 p.m. (Maybe): This is where I begin losing track of time. The hospital was waiting for us and I was sent to triage, where staff confirmed that my water did in fact break. "What else could it be?" I asked the hospital staff. "Sometimes people pee themselves and think it is their water breaking."  I suppose, but knowing now that amniotic fluid leaks and rejuvenates, I don't know how anyone could mistake it. Staff confirmed I was going to stay and they got me a bracelet and began to make my husband and I as comfortable as they could in a delivery room. Staff informed me I was dilated to 2 centimeters and administered pitocin. Matt told me he forgot to bring his camera. I reminded him that first babies take a while and if he left right at that moment, he would have enough time to go home, grab the camera, and return to the hospital before rush hour traffic started to build.  He had his phone and his iPad and assured me he was okay.

We watched a movie (Grown Ups 2) and Matt began the all important job of fetching me ice chips. It was quite some time before I experienced contractions.  I had been keeping an eye on the monitors and was finally starting to feel something that I guessed was a contraction.  This is when the birthing process got a bit scary.  Everything was going so fast, too fast. The hospital monitors measured contractions on a scale of 0-12. I hardly felt anything when the monitor moved up to 2, but definitely felt contractions when they registered at a 4. Eleanor just couldn't wait to enter the world. Contractions began registering at a 12 and flat-lined. I had no time to adjust or prepare.

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