Sadly this is the second time I am typing this part. Last time I did it with an iPad in my lap while typing with one hand and holding a baby with the other. Even more sad, the blog did not save.
I failed to mention earlier that when I was admitted to the delivery room, I was given pitocin to speed up the labor process. With contractions registering off the charts, my husband saw me start to cry. "It's time for an epidural, isn't it?" I nodded and he took charge to see that I got something to ease the pain, or in this case, completely erase it.
I feared the birthing process and getting an epidural. After a doctor's visit in June wherein I was told in lamaze class to read an excerpt of a booklet and talk to my doctor about my birth plan. Birth plan? Ummm... the plan is to get the kid out of me. I tried talking to my doctor about the class and I broke out in tears. I told the doctor I wasn't too bad until I was reading the booklet. She reached for it, looked inside and told me not to read it and not to do any research. By the time the appointment was over, I decided not to go to work that day, except I was crying so hard that I found it difficult to call in. My husband was not answering his cell phone, so I gave the staff his office phone number and they called Matt to come and get me since I did not feel as though I could drive. Yup, I was a mess. I told a parent about this and she was kind enough to share her birthing stories with me when I was ready. You know what? I was going to call her on Thursday, the day my water broke, to see if she was available on Friday for a chat. I had finally felt as though I had calmed down enough to talk about the process without causing myself or the baby any extra stress. Had I previously mentioned that I was not ready for Eleanor?
7:00 p.m.: Matt was finally hungry and ventured down to the cafeteria, except it was closed. I once again urged him to go out and get something to eat so he would have his energy and strength for when I needed him. I believe we even discussed that first babies take a long time and he was not going to miss anything.
8:00 p.m.: Staff informed me I was dilated 10 centimeters (or close to it) and that they would be calling my doctor and I would be pushing soon. I was in shock. What happened to babies taking a long time to come out? What is this kid's hurry? I thought about texting Matt that he needed to come back, but I learned in a previous job that panic breeds panic and Matt hurrying back could cause an accident. Matt would be back soon. I busied myself with my phone and found out that Matt had checked in at Buffalo Wild Wings, which was within walking distance from the hospital. I tried to remain calm and convinced myself that he would not be sitting down and ordering a meal. What I did not know is that he tried the grocery store down the street and then ventured to one of his favorite wing places. I also did not know that he was in the hospital waiting area eating. Why? He knew I was hungry and could not eat and did not want me to have to smell food. He is a wonderful man, even if he did scare the crap out of me.
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